Service to Software- Webinar on Vets in Tech


Learn How Claim Academy Is Changing Lives! Over 10,000 technology jobs right here in the St Louis region alone go unfilled. Over one Million across The United States remain unfilled. Our students gain employment, and land well compensated careers in just 3 months! We Are On A Mission To Change Lives. Will You Be Next? Thinking you might like to learn how to code? Visit us during our online info session. You will learn how to build a successful coding career no matter your background! We will take time to answer your questions and you'll learn just why local Companies such [...]

Pre-Work Study Session

Claim Academy 1520 Washington Ave, St. Louis, MO

Our pre-work study session is aimed to provide extra, in-person help to our coding bootcamp students. Are you an admitted student who wants or needs some extra help while completing the bootcamp curriculum? Stop by our weekly pre-work study session, where one of our qualified mentors will help you get through any challenges you're facing! This is also a great way for online students to gain in-person assistance with their learning. Save your spot today!

Learn to Code- C#

Claim Academy 1520 Washington Ave, St. Louis, MO

This workshop covers the building blocks of coding applications and how to write a simple program. After the lecture, guests are invited to participate in a Q&A session with the instructor. Don’t miss your opportunity to learn about programming, or dive deeper into the language for free! Instructor: You're in great hands with our talented instructor, Praneeth Medari! ( Praneeth possesses a master's degree in Computer Science and has been teaching at Claim Academy for almost 3 years.

Pre-Work Study Session

Claim Academy 1520 Washington Ave, St. Louis, MO

Our pre-work study session is aimed to provide extra, in-person help to our coding bootcamp students. Are you an admitted student who wants or needs some extra help while completing the bootcamp curriculum? Stop by our weekly pre-work study session, where one of our qualified mentors will help you get through any challenges you're facing! This is also a great way for online students to gain in-person assistance with their learning. Save your spot today!

Java (Full-Time)

Claim Academy 1520 Washington Ave, St. Louis, MO

New Courses

Contact Info

1600 Amphitheatre Parkway New York WC1 1BA

Phone: 1.800.458.556 / 1.800.532.2112

Fax: 458 761-9562

Web: ThemeFusion

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